Hullo Blog! Here I am again and scarcely 2 weeks have passed. We might actually build a relationship if we can keep meeting this regularly. Thanks for waiting around for me to find time to fit you in!
I'm really excited to be able to report that I am fizzing with energy and writing up a storm. Such a welcome state of mind after so long a dry season.
It has been a very interesting couple of weeks. I was working away, trying to get myself back into the plot of Crystal Dancer - and struggling. Then into my head popped these two characters involved in a BDSM scenario, which while quite titillating, was not something I would normally write - or publish! But would they go away? Would they hear that I had another book to finish that took precedence over anything they might have going on? Guess they were too busy to listen to me. (Or knew that since they were from the Regency period, I wouldn't be able to resist them!)
So I decided to discover who they actually were and what had made them the way they are and then I could write a short novella thingy and they'd be satisfied.Were they suckered in by that plan? No, again.
I began to realise there was more to this story than I had at first thought, that the BDSM component was more bondage and punishment than the real porno stuff and maybe I could handle that, especially as it was an issue between two people who should have been married 6 or 7 years ago; who would have been if the Earl of Windermere didn't believe himself incapable of making love to Jassie Carlisle as a 'lady' deserved to be loved.
I begin to see a pattern emerging. One or other of my main characters often have some sort of sexual dysfunction going on which can only be cured by that one special person who loves them - enough. The Honourable Jassinda Carlisle has loved Windermere since childhood. No other man has ever tempted her and at twenty-five she is way out of patience. She can choose to live and die a bitter and unfulfilled spinster with her honour and good name intact - or she can take matters into her owns hands, risk all for that one elusive chance at happiness. In doing this she may learn more than she ever thought she wanted to know - about desire and what drives it, about the Earl, and about herself.
These two characters are driving their own story so I guess I have no choice but to get my bum on the seat and my fingers on the computer and let the story flow.
Hang about Crystal Dancer, don't go away. I will be back... :)
You too, Blog!