Best of all, we find beta readers who will devour our work and give the constructive critique we need to make sure we have got it right - before we expose our 'baby' to the reading public.
Coast to Coast Chapter of Romance Writers of NZ had their Christmas Retreat at Paradise Valley Lodge in Rotorua this weekend. (as we have done for the last 5 years.) Might be the last one there as the place is up for sale. It's been a beautiful venue. Perfect for a quiet writing space, spending quality time with other writers (My Tribe! They speak my lingo! ) and for working in a group situation. Thank you Khushi for introducing us to the pantoum form of poetry writing. It was amazing.
And thank you all for the wonderful camaraderie, supportive and insightful critiques and the yummy food. Saturday night's round-table session with the 'night owlish' ones is remembered fondly. Apologies to those who'd gone to bed earlier and did not see the joke at 10.40pm. It was really funny!