Friday, 19 October 2012

I have signed up for NaNoWriMo. Not sure if this is because I'm sensible or desperate. Procrastination is so easy. And strange how writer's can think of so many things to do that prevent them from writing - which they profess to love and are often obsessed by. So why can't I just sit down at the computer each day and write without thinking about the dishes on the sink or the cruddy mat at the back door that needs vacuuming? Why am I so easily distracted by the thought of coffee from my favourite cafe - Fat Pigeon. That's probably my greatest problem right there though I prefer to think of it as a BLESSING! It's the best cafe in NZ and it's in my little village, Piopio! How lucky is that. Damn! See! I've done it now. Time to go get my coffee fix for the day. Have a good one!


  1. Go you!
    I'm busy finishing off finickity details on a couple of projects so I can settle in to finish Sarah's Baby the third book in The Mulleins of Katherine Bay in NaNoWriMo.

    I have a 20,000 word start so that's good.

  2. 20,000 words is GOOD! Go you too!
